Ranked: The 10 Worst States to Play the Lottery

The chances of winning the lottery are slim no matter where you play. But the odds are better in some states than others. Nationally, the lottery pays out $0.67 in prize money for every dollar spent, according to lottery statistics compiled by The Motley Fool Ascent.

### The best state to play is Ohio, where prices can reach $0.76 for every dollar spent in the lottery.

And the worst places to play? You'll find out below and then we'll discuss a safer way to build wealth.

#### The 10 worst states for playing the lottery

Here are the worst states to play the lottery and the jackpots each state pays for every dollar you spend on the lottery:

1. South Dakota: $0.21
2. West Virginia: $0.23
3. Oregon: $0.26
4. Rhode Island: $0.40
5. New Mexico: US$0.55
6. North Dakota: $0.56
7. New York: US$0.57
8. Wyoming: $0.59
9. Louisiana: $0.60
10. Delaware: $0.61

This all comes from the most recent data set available, which is 2021 lottery data.

Most states fall in the middle, with jackpots ranging from $0.60 to $0.74 for every dollar spent on the lottery — not far from the national average of $0.67.

Only nine states fall outside this range. The largest exceptions are South Dakota, West Virginia, and Oregon.

Lottery tickets are never a great way to spend your money (unless of course you get lucky and win big), but they're especially bad deals in these states.

#### There are no good places to play

No matter where you live, it's best not to play the lottery. Remember, the highest average payout is in Ohio, where it's $0.76 for every dollar spent. So, on average, people lose $0.24 for every dollar they spend.

This also highlights the risks. Most people don't lose any of the money they spend on lottery tickets. They lost everything, and only a few lucky winners came away with anything.

If you like playing the lottery, there is nothing wrong with buying tickets here and there. But the odds of winning the Powerball jackpot are 1 in 292 million, so definitely don't spend a lot of money on it and don't expect to win big.

### A better and more reliable way to build wealth

One of the most important things to understand about improving your finances is that it takes time. You can save money and build wealth if you follow good financial habits. Everyone wants to get rich quickly but there is no reliable way to do it.

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